Diary of Lisa Taylor, reluctantly 42 (and a half)

Or.. 'f.ck me I'm forty.. two.. and a half', though can look 38 on a - not so deluded - good day. Or 'How to reconcile a well experienced mind trapped in a still - but for how long? – youthful body.' Don't have the 30somethings angst/problems, neither have the resigned (?) ageing baby-boomers in safe family territory outlook yet. Here's how I cope, one day all sexy women will get old... but never invisible. © Lisa Taylor 2005/6/7/8/9. Jeez.. so much for the 42 and-a-half delusion

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

25 January - James Mcavoy & May weddings

That was a good evening. A g/friend takes me to see a preview of ‘Juno’ which is hugely enjoyable and well paced and has some great performances, very credible. I was curious as a link to my blog appears on the same page of a distinguished Blogger and she also links to Diablo Cody (scriptwriter of ‘Juno’) and it kind of gives me a nice kick. When you think about it, coming up with an idea like ‘Juno’ is kind of not difficult. It’s not like you have to think out a plot, like ‘No Country for Old Men’ for example, and handle a more complex narrative, plus you can make all the action take place in one location. You only have to fake the weather (there’s a 9 months span to the story).
Anyway, yes, as with many of these things, Miranda July’s one from a couple of years back for example, you sit there thinking ‘I could have done that’. Much as I think about half the stuff I see at the Biennale. But of course that’s not the case. There’s a huge amount of determination and hard work involved and am too busy flitting about to sit down and turn up the required number of pages, plus er.. the business of selling them to someone.

Shortly afterwards I go to a b’day party for a 25 year old. Wish he was my toy-boy but no, he’s the son of a friend. I arrive at the first floor room of the chosen pub only to be told that I’ve just missed James Macavoy and Julian Rhind Tutt by half an hour. No, they’re not friends of the 25 year old but were huddled talking downstairs. Darn. I go to the bar on the ground floor and Mr Macavoy is still there wit friends and then at the bar ordering next to me. He’s unremarkable and not v. tall, not v. anything. In fact he's less noticeable than my friend's kids (the other brother just got a part in the Buddy Holly musical and he's a handsome young man if I may say so and not incur her worries. And yet, James McA is such a good actor. Not majorly good in ‘Atonement’ but good in the other ones. I saw ‘Atonement’ only recently on dvd at home and had totally forgotten the ending of the novel (well they sort of changed the delivery of it by inventing the Vanessa Redgrave interview) and I ended up crying for a good few minutes. So happy I wasn’t at the movies. Toph had the exclusive and rare pleasure of consoling me which was kind of cute. Think he was touched I can have tears jerked so easily. And by Keira who on the whole I can’t stand. Well, I have nothing to say to top actor so I take my wine upstairs, but after i leave D. gives him some of her son’s b’day cake and says he was a bit stunned by her gesture. Bless, it must be hard to have so many strangers invent reasons to come up to you.

I move on to join friends at Century. Haven’t seen them for a while as they moved out of town. It’s near Stansted but it may as well be the moon as my diary is littered with ‘Must go to Essex’ for every Sunday of Nov. Dec. Jan. And soon it will be Feb and that 90 mins journey just doesn’t get made. We’re lazy. The party has been together for a couple of hours at least and they’re on mojitos and champagne. S evolves from paying me some compliments to full on chatting me up. He has half a row of teeth missing, he’s a smoker and I can smell it, and he’s put on 2st. since i last saw him. That’s hardly going to sway me, even if the personality is good. He says ‘I’d like to give you a massage covering you in Mdma’ (wow, sir, that would be an expensive massage). He also adds he has a flat round the corner in Soho. Well now am really tempted. Not. No, I like him a lot, he’s a great guy, top barman and soon to be top majordomo to an 80’s star who is permanently living in Ibiza. Butno. I like teeth and a lean physique and fresh breath. These are some of those non negotiables. For a moment I wonder how I could obtain the mdma and jus go off... But it’s kind of pointless if I’m on it and the BF (who is out watching Mick Jones’ ‘new’ band with guest appearances by 2 Sex Pistols and an audience of 50 somethings) is not...

So, it remains no. Plus am busy discussing the ‘hen’ w/end that my friend L may take us to prior to her nuptials in May. A riad in Marrakesh. Now that’s stylish. And gay M. Is allowed to come and he’s so lovely to be with. L. Wants to wear a Jessica Rabbit style wedding dress. Which is pretty good given her curvy shape and if she loses some serious weight that has crept up in the last year or so. But what shall I wear? Now I have a project. How nice. I make it back by 2am. It was kind of hard to leave the comfortable banquette and return but it could have gone on till the morning and I simply can’t last that long.

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