What’s missing when you don’t have a partner? I think have distilled it down to something very simple. Spooning. I sleep well and soundly so I can usually fall asleep in five minutes unless rare occasions where a degree of anxiety has crept in about something or consumption of alcohol or other is keeping me awake. I love my bed. I love my pillows. I love sleeping. What I miss is just that, spooning, night in night out. I get better sex when it’s not regular - must be a reason why long term boyfriends only happen every couple of years and don’t last more than that. I just like the excitement and no matter how many talking heads I’ve heard on documentaries saying ‘What matters the most is compatibility etc as after a few years passion dies/changes and all that jumping each other’s bones goes out of the window (or either or both partners go and jump someone else even though they remain married), I just don’t buy it. What matters most is chemistry. And I think it’s more honest to keep your sex life interesting whilst avoiding cheating. Thing is you can buy or rent anything but not a spooning partner. Though have never advertised for one and maybe I’ll investigate that now.
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