This morning there was a woman applying make up on train - yes now you know my secret, I go to work somewhere and am not ferried by a chauffeur. Anyway, said woman spilled some liquid foundation which went flying and mostly on the skirt of the woman sat opposite her. The apology was scant 'Oh, it will come off' said the culprit. The other one got a tissue and starting cleaning but w/o looking at the culprit int he face. She just gave her the silent treatment. Such restraint. Do people really think that works in making anyone feel guilty? And would we not say something to a man shaving with electric razor on a train or let him do it in the first place? So why let women do all that: brushing hair, putting mascara on, the works. It’s appalling. How amazing that in my nice democratic world I can be horrified by this woman. I used the verb appalled! But I should be appalled about other stuff. Like wars for example. The other day I was meeting a friend outside SOAS and as had time, I picked up from the students bar a magazine from one fo their societies. It was clearly written by young people still working out why Jews and Palestinians can't live in harmony etc etc. It did not however mention the recent conflict in Lebanon (was about to say Israeli attacks and that would have given my bias I guess), so I looked at the date on the cover and it said 'Februray 2005'. No change there then. Guess if I picked up an issue from July 2002 it would have read current as .. no change there then. Which reminds me of how annoyed I get when I pick up out of date flyers, brochures etc. I simply don't understand why whoever works in a bar, reception of something and so on, doesn't chuck out last months' outdated waste of paper? Clearly the latter part of my (still) 42nd year is pointing in the direction of middle age, given that I keep getting annoyed about trivial stuff and I haven't even told you about the trustafarians party loving new young neighbours who plague my sleep. Most strange as am getting sex plenty times a weeks so I cannot be cranky because of any lack of....
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