3 September - Curry King & Benazir
Our friend D. asks curry king if he knows how to get to Benazir Buttho (or Bhutto, sorry the net is equally divided over the spelling) since he went to Uni with her and D’s reporter friend T. is on his way to Pakistan to cover the elections/return of émigré prime minister etc. CK says he still knows someone who keeps in touch with her, though he personally doesn’t. A grin spreads over his face as he says when she was at Uni she was a bit of a fast girl. And he laughs. I think we should be told if CK has been there but he won’t reveal.
Uh ho! Maybe I shouldn’t stray into politics in my blog. Unsubstantiated ha ha ha. As it wasn’t him she slept with, but others. Several. Oh there I go again, casting aspersions. Somehow it just makes me laugh that all this Eastern leaders have to kow tow to their religious mafias when in fact they get up to the same as everybody. Bit like the catholic church thundering against gays and being the largest…. Oh I better stop there.
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