19 January - Indians & Big Bro
Anyway, some questions are in our heads. Ok, it’s the way you ask them so Jade had no right to ask do you live in a house or a shack. But equally, given how high the incidence of Aids is in India and how separated the genders seem to be (describe NYE on the beach), I was wondering how do you spot an Indian prostitute. What is the equivalent of the miniskirt and platform boots. I’ve seen no fishnet sari. Frank has the answer, having worked for abused women’s charities and travelled on their behalf in Gujarat. He says you find them at roadside cafes. As to how you recognise them, I come to the answer in a lightbulb moment. The sheer fact that they may be in such a place where a respectable Indian woman should be, means they’re that category. I have other questions about where do they go in such a crowded society where we couldn’t find a space to have a solitary PDA until we got back to our hotel room. As for how much…. A quid seems to be a going rate. How sad. Probably better than breaking rocks to make road building paving materials.
I have other questions, about which caste they are drawn from mainly. Are they the Dalits or are they fallen middle class women? Are they doing it to score drugs like in the western world? I have to keep my curiosity for the time being and it’s only curiosity. Am not planning, after all, planning to do anything to help their plight.
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