Diary of Lisa Taylor, reluctantly 42 (and a half)

Or.. 'f.ck me I'm forty.. two.. and a half', though can look 38 on a - not so deluded - good day. Or 'How to reconcile a well experienced mind trapped in a still - but for how long? – youthful body.' Don't have the 30somethings angst/problems, neither have the resigned (?) ageing baby-boomers in safe family territory outlook yet. Here's how I cope, one day all sexy women will get old... but never invisible. © Lisa Taylor 2005/6/7/8/9. Jeez.. so much for the 42 and-a-half delusion

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

6 January - yoga bunnies & crows

to be re-arranged, re-plenished later.

Kerala wine. We need some.

The yogis and their gurus. The real shiva vs lino miele vs shiva rae.

Toph meets a temple dweller who covers his forehead in ash (or is it cow's dung?) who recommends 41 days of pilgrimage coupled with 41 days of 'no sexual items sir!' Mmh.. could be good. Temple dweller does not give me any recommendations.

The pilgrims. Sort of envy them. They give themselves this tall order – you try and go from some holy cave in Kashmir to Kannyakumari at the the extreme south, using only public transport and not having access to airplanes and this could take months. During which presumably you have a whale of a time meeting likeminded folk and surviving partly on your wits and avoiding your usual life/work. Tempting….

Holiday discoveries and men’s preoccupations. Food and fishing or fish. How many pictures of fish in a fish market can one take? or men fishing? or fishing nets? And planning. I can benefit from this as my planning is a bit hazy. Am fine with the long distance but the short distance I sort of leave to sort itself out. Tbc

The six floors of sari heaven shop. Toph gets 6 sales assistants all to himself, giggling at his manners or just floored that a man is actually talking to them and his girlfriend is actually laughing with them. None of us understand what the other is saying actually....

No PDA (public displays of affection) on Cherai beech nearly unravels me. What would I do in Saudi Arabia? At least here the chances of getting stoned are remote. Thank god he says…. tbc

5 hours to do 180km in a car… that's why India takes forever. Someone explains the government has no interest in building dueal carriage roads or even fixing them. This way, should anyone attempt an uprising or revolution, it will be very difficult for it to spread, just install a roadblock or two and that's it, nobody can go anywhere. Same for the trains, can't be used by troublemakers if they need 4 days to cross the country. tbc

The longer you stay in one place the more gets revealed. The backstreets, the barber with the geardening sheers

Any lessons? What we look for is probably the same as choosing a restaurant. Something busy, with a little vibe going on. But we don’t know how long it takes to get served or if they will star to play crap music or good music on a distorted stereo and we’ll just want to leave.

Savatri and her 3 buses to get to the beach to sell the most expensive fruit ever. a quid for a pineapple, surely more than Tesco and all that carbon emission stuff?

the kashmiri boys

boyf vivid dreams he ascribes to no alcohol and I explain with spicy food. But.. we're eating the same and I'm not dreaming...

You can take the marketing out of a girl but… here we are in Cochin, at the so called Dutch Palace. In the basement there are the most fantastically erotic murals we’ve ever seen. Fascinating and beautiful and the text giving brief explanations is so……. As there’s a ban on taking photographs we ask on the way out if we could buy some postcards or booklets depicting the murals. But we’re told no. This must be because they wouldn’t sell them to Indians as presumably too strong in content given how they pretend that there’s no sexual items going on there. But we want them!!! A quick reckie in local book shops also doesn’t unearth any books featuring these murals. I now feel like early collectors of pornography. I’ll pay good money, please someone tell me where to find depictions of these drawings.


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