Diary of Lisa Taylor, reluctantly 42 (and a half)

Or.. 'f.ck me I'm forty.. two.. and a half', though can look 38 on a - not so deluded - good day. Or 'How to reconcile a well experienced mind trapped in a still - but for how long? – youthful body.' Don't have the 30somethings angst/problems, neither have the resigned (?) ageing baby-boomers in safe family territory outlook yet. Here's how I cope, one day all sexy women will get old... but never invisible. © Lisa Taylor 2005/6/7/8/9. Jeez.. so much for the 42 and-a-half delusion

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

29 April - On Chesil Beach

Last Friday’s ES Magazine trumpeted on its cover ‘The 50 most successful couples’. I snatched it off the hands of a friend as he arrived for the w/end at his lovely cottage by Chesil Beach. BF and I were already there since earlier in the afternoon, having been greeted and supplied with tea and cake after a four hour drive by his partner. So I open the mag and read through… What a load of W A N K
Quite apart from that, they describe Alisdair Wills as ‘founder of Wallpaper’. Well I happen to be spending the w/end with a person who was closely involved in launching said magazine and who can confirm that AD had nothing to do with its inception. I guess it’s not AD’s fault, he probably does not claim any such thing on his bio/press release, maybe it’s just magazines making it up to make him more interesting in view of the fact that nobody much knew who he was before he married Stella McC and nobody much would know who she is if she weren’t Paul’s daughter. Oh come on! Would anyone recognise a Stella outfit out of a pile? I mean Stella post her ex Chloe more talented designer friend. No, didn’t think so, absolutely no distinctive features.
Anyway, back to our host for the w/e who couldn’t be more charming. tbc

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