18 June - Muse vs Disney
if ever I doubted the press you only need to know that there were dozens of interesting people on stage at Meltdown and all you got the following day is pics of Kate watching Pete on stage. Why? What’s the obsession with this girl?
I can also warn you about the thieving and disorganised Wembley. The staff, yeah, great uniforms, shame about the lack of knowledge about where door 251 was – you know – go that way, you get there and it’s no go back the way you came and so on. There are no golf carts and if you’re not good on your feet don’t bother. And where’s the toilet in the hospitality area? You have to go back out says the helpful uniformed girl and on the way out oh look what’s this signposted door 2 ft away from uniformed girl, the loo of course. These people would probably hamper you in an emergency, evacuation and the like.
I better also tell you that a fish & chips was £7, a bottle of beer £4 and my posh crab thingy was a whopping £15, no salad or other vegetables with it and the few prawns were the same price. But the oysters would have been a good deal at £9 for half a dozen. And no wine served by the glass, you had to buy a bottle. Wembley… the final. You won’t see me there again.
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