17 July - Ibiza dream on
My friend says she’s jealous, though her friend is lovely and so you can't be envious in a bad way, she just had the right genes to attract (and keep) the Goldman banker. Which requires some effort, am not denying that she works for the perks. I can’t lament lack of genes (though a couple of inches would have gone down a treat in the leg area), I just was never this bothered about sorting out the financial side of life.
But this little bit of info, coupled with something I read recently about every single mother at school gates at some school in Chelsea sporting a Birkin bag… well today it has the effect of making me think my life sucks big time. And the BF was at dinner in NY last night with a bunch of people, one British woman airily replying to his ‘So what do you do here?’ with a vague ‘Oh, am just spending a month in the Hamptons (notice no further info about what she actually DOES for a living was offered). So I bet he feels his life sucks big time too.
Ah woe is me, since am of the firm opinion that money does buy happiness if you’re not an unlucky depressive to start with and prone to feel you’re never as good as the person who provides your fortune in the first place (parent, spouse etc). I mean, I can’t go buy art (please don’t anyone start saying that you can start by buying art that costs a mere few hundred quid, I believe the stakes in London are too high for entry and have been for years since Saatchi.
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