Diary of Lisa Taylor, reluctantly 42 (and a half)

Or.. 'f.ck me I'm forty.. two.. and a half', though can look 38 on a - not so deluded - good day. Or 'How to reconcile a well experienced mind trapped in a still - but for how long? – youthful body.' Don't have the 30somethings angst/problems, neither have the resigned (?) ageing baby-boomers in safe family territory outlook yet. Here's how I cope, one day all sexy women will get old... but never invisible. © Lisa Taylor 2005/6/7/8/9. Jeez.. so much for the 42 and-a-half delusion

Friday, May 19, 2006

20 April - Doctors & TV

Oh no, it had to be done, there’s going to be the drama series based on the tsunami. Can expect to pick up a Bafta or two given it will make everyone cry and the production company behind is a good one. Wonder if the following story line will make it into it. I have a friend who was due to join his g/friend in Thailand who’d left a couple of days earlier. By the time he landed he thought she’d be dead as she was staying in one of the beaches hit by wave and he spent 24 or 48 hours in that state, ie picturing the congregation in church at her funeral and her friends hating him for suggesting the holiday in the first place etc.
Eventually they were re-united. By a strange chain of events, she’d gone diving that morning and was underwater when it all happened. I don’t have that many more details of how terrific this resurrection/finding each other again must have felt, except that not long after they returned she dumped him. After seven years together - with the odd break of nearly a year and unhappy periods, and some infidelity (in fact the holiday was meant to be a fixer) but in his head he’s now sticking to the wonderful 7 years. So he did what you’d do in that case and offer to buy a home for them and talk /agree children. Flats were viewed and assessed on suitability to prams etc. Alas, it was possibly too late. She ditched him. So there you go, a brush with death will make you reconsider life for sure. Plus I suspect she had met a handsome diver too or a rescuing doctor or something. I mention this because the TV production company that’s making the drama is connected to my friend and it’s possible this story has reached the scriptwriter. Wonder if this is the part Tim Roth will play? Wonder if my friend will recognise himself up on the screen? Wonder if anyone will give a toss for the locals who died or if the drama will be all about cute westerners?

In the same week I hear this, I also happen to talk to a producer at a party who’s about to go start filming a drama based on the disappearance/murder of Peter Falconio the guy killed in the outback by some guy but for a while there was a lot of doubt as to why is impassable g/friend survived. Guess it’s based on the book written by her. I truly have no idea who is interested in these sort of dramas. By the time I’ve read the news, I truly have no desire to see how they dramatise it/make it all up again with actors. Though there are exceptions. I think Monster, based on the original docu that Nick Broomfield filmed about Eileen what’s her name was a great movie. But documentaries is one thing, you get your graphs, you get the real survivors talking and shedding tears, etc but dramas? I guess must be for people who don’t read the news? Or those residing in countries where the story just didn’t make the news and so appears like fiction? Ok the tsunami made it everywhere but, say, in Greece or Mexico, they won’t know about Peter Falconio? Even Chuck Palahniuk says all his material is re-worked from what people tell him as personal stories/events. I don't know why TV appropriating real stuff annoys me so much then, but it does.

And Dr Seth - ok I can’t honestly remember what alias I may have given him in the early days of this blog but he’s the dashing A&E consultant with an irresistible sideline in also saving lots of lives for charity when not tending to drunks with split heads in Sligo or some such. He featured in a good few Tsunami reports from Sri Lanka and before then Bam earthquake and others. Basically his philosophy is to have experienced at least once every single cataclysmic occurrence. Think he’s missing volcano eruptions so far. Anyway, he calls with news of a meeting he’s had at the BBC regarding a series on emergency aid doctors. Well, nothing new as those brave Dr Carter and Dr Kovac of ER have gone to Darfur and so on already, at great risk to their lives…NOT. But this series may be a little bit more real given his involvement. He’s not just a doctor but an MBA wielding businessman but I don’t know… he won’t be on screen to dazzle me again with his whiter than white teeth so I won’t be watching. Do we ever tire of doctors and nurses in action? Why oh why???? Personally have only been in hospital once after birth and they seemed cool and normal. Must admit I loved my female consultant but that was simply projection, she was after all saving a vital part of my anatomy.


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