19 November - Bush & Colours
At least one solution to one of my ageing problems has been found: hair dye for your smaller tufts, though currently we're still on the fingers of two hands for the white ones. Anyway, can't remember the name of the product, shall let you know.
And his is a funny blog. I though it was being written by a teenager but it’s actually a grown up man with a kid even. Hard to tell. But he’s a doper and a keg drinker so … childish enough. He writes a lot about American football (he’s from Vermont) and I found myself glazing over. It was a good lesson. Once in a while, say every two weeks, we women should be made to read a few pages of American football reporting (it is essential that it should be a sport we know nothing about in terms of rules, or most famous players, how the leagues work etc). This would give us some understanding of what it’s like for a guy to listen to us talking about: our friends, our family, our job, our holidays we want to go on, the stuff we need to buy/want to buy, our family health problems, the bitch at work, having to stand on the tube this morning, the sagging skin etc… In other words... wouldn't you glaze over?
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