23 december - Gifts & gift ideas
Toph is going to find most in his Xmas stocking. Though got many items already, but would like to keep some in their wrapping package intact for a change. It’s always a bit odd pulling out ‘old’ toys and we all know most boys are squeamish as to where they’ve already been. I always say that rubber is perfectly safe to wash in boiling water really so all scrupulously clean. But hey. Ok maybe not all boys are squeamish. The ones who visit certain parlours and ladies, cannot be so deluded as to think the vibrator is new, just for their delectation and so on.
As for other gifts, gosh, i think I've got it all! but if not, here's my top tips for gifts and making life easier at xmas:
- give charity. Really, it's easy, fuss free and nobody can complain or resent getting something that clearly is good for other disadvantaged people. Go Oxfam, go.
- I could also do the list of what I'd buy people if they didn't get offended... top of the list is teeth whitening for a good few friends... ok, ok, they would be offended. But why the resistance? Why do people hang on to their grey/green teeth? I'm not talking straightening crooked teeth. Takes time, is expensive, and alters your face and you're used to your face. But teeth whitening is safe, it's affordable and truly enhances those who need it. Beats me.
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