The last day of the Selfridges sale I was in there for only 90 mins. Having finally heeded own advice not to go check lingerie. Toph says he still sees me wearing stuff he’s never seen before so I have to wait another year ha ha ha. Or less seeing as currently he’s been in my night company for a solid month. I also forget all about going to check on shoes – a fab pair of flat boots was the only item I really needed and in the event, my subconscious who hates flat shoes conspired to erase this need. I do go to furniture as I do need a ceiling shade for my living room but do not see anything I like enough or at the right price. In the time up there I get somewhat enraged by the number of gay couples. Simply because they have disposable income or so I perceive them and they can afford to buy new linen all the time. I can afford new linen too but I walk away from the heavy thread white cotton because of a self-imposed limit to 4 sets. I mean, this stuff takes up space, and I need it for my clothes. Seriously, what is it about bed linen? Do I want to stay in bed so badly. Answer is yes. At least am wandering around by myself having left Toph downstairs. I was getting annoyed about his moth to a flame attitude to shirts. No you cannot buy another shirt, you’re bursting with shirts AND YOU DON’T WEAR THEM. Yes, just over a year has turned me into proper “I can tell you off” girlfriend. Anwyay, but wandering alone I, at least, am not annoying single women who hate couples wandering around shops. I wonder if anyone sees me fondling some Vichy oxygen spray reduced to a quid and think I’m really sad. I don’t buy said item and others because as usual there’s no one at the tills or you can’t pay for everything at one (it doesn’t have the department code palaver) and so I abandon my goodies which had totalled to a mere under 20 quid. Amazing but true. There was nothing I wanted ! but let’s not forget I skipped the ground floor jewellery and bags entirely. I find Toph similarly bereft of a new shirt, hurrah! But he says let’s just go and take a quick look at those suits and lands me with 45 minutes of extra hell whilst he chooses between two Aquascutum. Yes a bargain at a third of the original price and yes I was useful in stirring him away from the more boring one. Who does he think he is? An office worker? And yes it’s a better buy than ten shirts at £30 but still. He doesn’t wear suits, so am wondering why he’s so fascinated by them. Like me with flat shoes perhaps? So he pays and we’re just about to reach the door on the ground floor by the west exit and he’s once again fondling some shirts. The voice now comes out steely “Did you or did you not notice by the tone of my voice in previous thirty minutes that I’m about to lose it big time we don’t leave this overheated hell and I get a bottle of water???’. He smiles, says yes baby and pecks me on the cheek. My god we’re officially an established couple. I have to change all this so as soon as we get home and he starts to read the Sunday papers, I change into the sexy mini skirt I had picked in Miss Selfridge upon entry and which he’d pay for to thank me for my patience. On come the sexy wedges and off we go to bedroom wall before getting ready to go out for dinner. Back to lover mode. Much healthier.
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