8 August - Gyno Spas & Listening Booths
I have a better idea. I’m going to set up a booth or not even that, just me and a sign on the floor, saying I’m here to listen and for £5 for five minutes I’ll listen to people’s problems. No advice given, just listening. A pound a minute in my lunchtimes could be quite profitable over a month.
And you don’t need a licence, just a lot of front!
Am serious, there’s a recession, people are upset about stuff. Though maybe not in London yet. Tried to book tickets for Guys and Dolls at Sadlers Wells and it's totally sold out, so are other plays etc. I thought people were economising and ordering pizzas and dvds rather than going out but clearly not.
And I need to raise cash anyway. For example if everyone who reads this blog gave me a pound, that’s £20,000 there.. or make that 50p? are you up for it?
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