Diary of Lisa Taylor, reluctantly 42 (and a half)

Or.. 'f.ck me I'm forty.. two.. and a half', though can look 38 on a - not so deluded - good day. Or 'How to reconcile a well experienced mind trapped in a still - but for how long? – youthful body.' Don't have the 30somethings angst/problems, neither have the resigned (?) ageing baby-boomers in safe family territory outlook yet. Here's how I cope, one day all sexy women will get old... but never invisible. © Lisa Taylor 2005/6/7/8/9. Jeez.. so much for the 42 and-a-half delusion

Thursday, June 30, 2005

27 June - caravaggio

Recently I was blind double dating. A different kind of double dating ie. we were 2 women and we had 1 man, chosen from some replies to an online ad. We had invited him to an art exhibition. Am sure he thought it was just a ruse and we probably disappointed him by not offering to smother him in some sort of reverse spit roast type thing (hideous term but we all read the tabloids and footballers have popularised it). He never got in touch the following day to thank us for a lovely time but …that’s fine. He was French, they are meant to be rude.

Anyway, as to our attire, I was all wispy 'spirit of kyliness' and my friend … was a bit more French existentialist, at least that’s what you are with a black polo neck. The French lawyer failed to see this as a tribute to his presence. Not sure if my friend was conscious of what she’d chosen. She said it was more because when she meets men for the first time she tries to hide her huge breasts otherwise they spend all evening staring at them.
She was wearing tie up 30’s boots and I wonder if guys entertain fantasies about these, all those laces to undo (though these days there’s handy zips on sides or back). These kind of fetishes are developed in an early age as it is said because children would have just been at mum’s shoe level and hence…whatever shoes she had they fixated on. But what if you were born in the 70’s would a man have a fetish for cork platforms? No one I know ever mentioned this and no sex magazines ever feature anything but the standard stuff.
A few days later I was sat on my sofa chatting about nothing much apart from North Korea, tsunami disaster, impending fatherhood, slovakian women etc with my friend S. (41) and I asked him how come all guys buy into a Betty Page sort of notion of sexiness (v. 40’s 50’s) even young ones who don't actually know of Betty Page and why does that work? He said there were none of those suspenders/heels when he was growing up but somehow he’d assimilated the concept and remembers being v. young and buying suspenders for his first g/friend and getting v. excited just looking at her. Even as he simply told me this he was clearly getting excited. Not that it takes much. This is a man who will avow to 5 daily masturbatory sessions. Not very long but regularly so. No wonder it then takes so long to get him to come, undersensitised penis from years of constant stroking I fancy. But I digress.
We can’t get to the bottom of this one without having to go bother Freud who of course wrote in a period where they had those garnments, so we need a more recent psychiatrist. But I can’t think of hone. Hardly the query I can put in Ask Jeeves whilst am at work non? We can’t work out either what the equivalent would be for women to get stuck on in men. I mean, I like a perfectly creased James Bond sort of trouser but I don’t salivate at the thought/sight or even if I touch the material. I used to know a psychiatrist come to think of it but he was more of an addiction expert rather than fetishes.


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