16 August - Leopards & Diamonds
But seriously, I know in music they keep recycling stuff; am sure the same happens in art and books but does it happen with everything? Do folks at IBM suddenly see an ad for a Xerox machine and go ‘But.. that’s the 1987 4761X model, look they’ve just changed the position of the out tray and re-designed the feeding thingy at the top but,. Gosh, it’s our model. Why don’t we re-design their 1988 7654SX best seller and just pass it off as something new??? After all, offices are full of people who were not around in 1987/88.’
I mean???????? Give me a break. The ex boyfriend who’s a trend predictor, seems to have gone into print in 2005 predicting we would be seeing a return of traditional brands like Carnation Milk. Like, er, yes, that really was a supermarket phenomenon last year. NOT! I wish people boycotted animal prints like they didn’t take a blind bit of notice of carnation milk, then the collective fashion industry would learn not to take us for fools.
So Leela….she came back from India where a business deal is going ahead for her and her partner and their associate there paid his share in diamonds. Some £6k worth at source. So she let me open the black velvet purse, and fondle them and examine them with a lens so I could tell which one was the clearest, better quality etc. MAGIC. She went to answer the phone at some point and I thought oohhhh, she won’t notice one missing. But uh, no, they’re there for her to find a buyer. Of course she could take them to Hatton Gardens but that would be too simple. I want her to go to South Ken or Chelski and exchange them for wads of cash in the Wellington Club or something.
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