I met a new potential friend at the gym a while back. She asked to go for drink/coffee as we work near each other. I did: 2 lunches and 1 evening drink. She asks for another lunch. We’re both busy all the time so hard to fit it in. However am not in a hurry. I don’t want new g/friends. I have no desire to share history/whinging about life with anyone new. We talked work for 10% of the time and the rest was the usual 'There was this guy, but.....'(fill in per script). She’s 7/8 years younger than me. Great figure, not an attractive face or voice. And I hear the words of a male friend who said ‘You don’t have any good looking g/friends’ . I disagree frankly (and any of you reading this pls. don’t take offence) but I know what he means, all my g/friends have aged well or less well and there’s hardly any under 40 and he wouldn’t find much to pick with the over 40 ones. He’s over 40 himself but as we all know there’s a major double standard at work between man and women ageing. I consider briefly going on some Facebook or the like and soliciting a gathering of gorgeous young women just for one evening. I guess I’d get half a dozen and then could just ask him to come along and meet some of my new friends. And see his face. I would instruct all said young and attractive women to talk to him by all means but to studiously avoid giving him the impression they’d be interested in someone his age/level of attractiveness/wallet status. That would teach him a valuable lesson ie. we all spend years hanging on to the friends we like and losing the ones we don’t value enough/need/get enough from or give to and now’s not the time to go judging them on their looks and this from me, a self-confessed major lookist. Having said that, in the summer there’s always an article or two talking about women and their less or more attractive g/friends and even those new articles about getting a slim friend if you want to be healthy as you’d copy her lifestyle more than the slim friend would be influenced by the fat friend lifestyle. In other words, fat friend may eat more salads, slim friends will not eat more doughnuts. I’d have no major hang-ups about going on holiday with J Lo if she invited me. Granted I’d be J Lo’s mate to most or nearly all who meet us, but I doubt they wouldn’t know my name by end of day 1. And yes, they’d be stupid to think they can pull me if she wasn’t interested in them enough. I’d have a good bullshit detector for the ‘can’t get the singer, let’s go for the backing singer’ manoeuvre. I have simply and studiously avoided going on holiday with any g/friends (bar the long w/ends here and there) because I’d just get bored of hanging abroad with someone I don’t hang with 24/7 in London either. I love them, but I only go on holiday with men I’m having sex with or there’s too many down hours. Sounds harsh but that’s my ethos on this. So I'll have to come up with a few ‘Can’t make it’ and see if potential new g/friend backs away naturally. Wonder if recently I've met anyone I'd like to see more of and they've not responded... Ah yes, still smarting over belle babette not ever getting in touch and ignoring my invites. She's just bought a flat in Soho with the cash from divorce settlement and is seeing an old friend who not so bizarrelly is connected to my good friend G. I must be boring to her for sure and I never fussed enough over her tiny dogs. Or god knows what it is...
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