12 April - A shore too far
He's trying to get us all to go on a little road trip in Spain at end of August but ... only A. has taken him up on it and A. is a boring (well met him twice and he's still not managing to remain memorable in any way in my mind) architect. The rest of us want to go but can't quite manage to sort it out which is a major shame as half the time I think it would be great to travel as a little possee intent on mischief along the way from Barcelona to south of Valencia and beyond, (think of all the adventures we would have, splitting into smaller groups, enticing new people into the group, observing budding rellationshops with locals or othewise), and the other half I can't square it with the desire to be alone in Sicily with the loverboy who would be top company as we taste tomatoes in Pachino or sit in the shade of an ancient house in Noto or eat an icecream in Syracuse. Why can't I have it all ways, both ways, three ways etc?
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