3 April - Groove & Armada
I wrote back saying we wouldn't go to the show anyway as they'd probably take the stage at 2am and we now struggle to find a way to stay up that late and as it would be just she and me going and we can talk anytime we want (ie. not just meet for this occasion) and b) we have plenty of bonding experiences together already and so don't need this one to strengthen the friendship or be added to the stash of 'Remember that time we....'
She wrote I was right, and that we simply can’t afford any more to write off the next day and the one after following an all nighter with stimulants. Back in the days we'd be as right as rain after sleeping till lunchtime perhaps and brush off the monday depression quite easily. Now...we'd dread those awful 48 hours after enhanced fun. Even on a Friday when all we'd have to do on a Saturday and Sunday are pretty mundane things that can wait.
It got me thinking that the same goes for wild sex by which I mean a session that lasts a few hours. Ok so it’s a Saturday night after a great dinner at friends, lots of wine and an earlier top dynamic yoga class which released lots of energy despite the wine and we go on for a while but er.. not a few hours that's for sure.
If this happens mid-week I certainly don’t say no, heck, it’s only work I'm delivering myself to in the morning, I can go in late and/or tired and in fact sex doesn’t make me tired at all, quite the opposite but I can imagine if you felt you have low energy as it is due to stress/kids etc, you’d just wouldn’t want to write off the next day because you overloaded yourself the night/morning before.
So in the same way that hotlips H and me now sensibly say 'no' in advance to a top night out with Groove Armada, there must be lots of people out there who have a plane to catch at 7.30am and so are up at 5am and would just have sex for ten/fifteen minutes and gradually come to accept that that it is all there is. And then if this is how you do it for a long time, proposing a sesh of more complicated coreography, it just doesn't flow. Am I right? I don't know. H. is finding sex a bit of a chore as well these days as the tenth anniversary of her relationship approaches.
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