Diary of Lisa Taylor, reluctantly 42 (and a half)

Or.. 'f.ck me I'm forty.. two.. and a half', though can look 38 on a - not so deluded - good day. Or 'How to reconcile a well experienced mind trapped in a still - but for how long? – youthful body.' Don't have the 30somethings angst/problems, neither have the resigned (?) ageing baby-boomers in safe family territory outlook yet. Here's how I cope, one day all sexy women will get old... but never invisible. © Lisa Taylor 2005/6/7/8/9. Jeez.. so much for the 42 and-a-half delusion

Monday, July 14, 2008

9 July - I want what she's having... yes! yes! yes!!

As you know, I've become somewhat reticent to describe fun and games in the sexual arena. Modestly prevents me from giving extensive details of sessions starring Toph because, well, it could all come back to bite me on the ass. As for details of other sessions, I have to recall them first as life has become unexpectedly monogamous for a long time now. Sigh....

However, hurrah for my girlfriends and S. in particular who's free and single and though not doing very well on the young 'un sites (cougar anyone?) because they're all mouth and no trousers and fail to keep appointments or have not ignited her flame (she's met one who's 25 and is wanting to sleep with a 60 year old. Yes I know, that would be Marianne Faithfull or Meryl Streep but ... yeuwww!), she's doing well with her older ones. Well, not that old. She met one this week who's here for work and they'd alredy met a year ago so she knew what to expect. It sounded like first night went very well, so I asked her to send me a blow by blow account and she took me very literally. Here you go. Enjoy by proxy, as I'm doing.

In the style of Big Brother, as per Lisa’s request....
This is the story of Stacey (tee hee) & Stan, aka ‘Stan the Man’

12:00 I leave home, bag packed for the week, expecting to be pulled to One Aldwych several nights this week by New York based (exceptionally) casual lover.
13:00 Arrive Soho, plan to wander ‘til 16:00 when we agreed we’d meet
14:00 Receive text : ‘I got here early. Come to the hotel.’
14:01 I reply: I’m busy, I’ll be there by 3:30pm’. I continue my wander
15:30 We meet in the lobby. He is bearing the gifts I insisted he bring (‘bring me my fave chocolates or don’t bother turning up’)
15:35 We head out into the bright sunshine. The plan for the day was in two distinct portions, as per his last email to me :
Portion #1 : the cultural portion. A museum of some sorts
Portion #2 : the sha gging each other senseless portion.
I liked the plan, I have to say
15:40 We enter Somerset House. I plan to give him a tour, possibly ending with a glass of wine at the River Terrace, but definitely including the current Cezanne exhibition, which I was exceptionally keen to check out
15:41 There is a concert this evening, so the courtyard is sadly cordoned off. We go into Cezanne. He pays. Such a gentleman.
15:50 We’re enjoying all the paintings, and the permanent collection. He stops at a painting of a semi-nude redheaded woman and raises an eyebrow at me. I giggle.
16:05 He’s clearly keen to go, mumbling something about it being a nice day so let’s have a picnic.
16:10 We leave. Short but sweet, his arm rubbing my back often throughout our wee wander. Nice touch.
16:12 I have spent the past 2 minutes pondering the picnic option and have hit upon the idea of popping into the Tesco a few steps away, and getting a cold bottle of champagne, and going into Embankment Gardens to drink it . A liquid picnic, if you will.
16:13 He takes my hand and now it's his turn to giggle. ‘Um, no, what I was thinking is that we take ourselves back to my suite’.
16:13 Aha, I think . OK then.... He admits that he had hoped he could hold out ‘til past dinner time, but realised he can’t. We’d not seen each other since last August, but then again that was a one-night only job so... I had no idea he’d remember the session so well. I remembered it well as I’d split up with another lover in late May and was convinced I’d never again find a man who enjoyed going down on a woman so much ... I was happily proved wrong by Stan.
16:20 We’re back at One Aldwych, less than an hour after we left it
16:21 He offers me a drink, and after I take two sips of water, he’s all over me. Damn, I think, he’s rather keen
16:40 We’re still at the semi-dressed stage. I recall that he does like his fore play, does Stan the Man
17:00 Finally the clothes come off in full... loving that almost 45 minutes of just.. fumbling and kissing... like you did in high school. He gets full marks for getting a gal good ‘n’ ready for the ensuing fun.
17:01 The first round of him going down on me... the man redefines the word ‘teasing’. Brings me to orgasm # 1 without even being inside of me. Genius.
18:00 We finally have sex. Yes this is easily a full hour after we started to play. We’ve spent the hour going down on each other – separately, at the same time (Americans just ‘get’ that whole ‘69’ position in a way that my European lovers just.. haven’t. Such a shame. Their loss. Such fun). Stan is also big on spa nking... not so hard that the next morning your bum is red, but just regular unexpected casual sp anks... and one of Stan’s ki nks is that he doesn’t just spank on your bu m cheeks. Oh no... he has a few tricks up his sleeve...
18:15 Done, sh ag #1, we’ve both been so built up (and I’ve had several orgasms by this point), that he comes super quickly... I can’t recall if he’s married or not (I think he is), but as Charlotte from SATC would say, I do believe his wife is not an ‘up the bu tt’ kind of girl. Me, I have a lover in my life who has treated me to the wonders of this position (this was before Stan). When Stan finally realises he’s got the green light to ‘go there’, he’s a bit too enthusiastic, so I have to remind him to take it slooooowly, and it will be worth his while . And it was!
18:30 I’m frisky again .I know, I know. But I am. He’s a creative lover and he’s only in town a few days so...
18:45 He’s hard again. Woo hoo! He’s 38.. there is a lot to be said for the under-40 lover. A past lover (he likes to think he’s still current but he’s all talk and no action, so... I give up) – anyway, he’s super senior at a super posh bank in the City and will turn 52 next month.. and he needs a little blue pill to , ahem, stir him into action. I did read something the other week about how if you haven’t had s ex in ages – if you’re older – men do generally need the little blue pill to get things moving. He is in an utterly se xless marriage so the mind boggles... Truly, I do wonder why people stay in se xless marriages. ‘Doing it for the kids’... .yawn fu cking yawn yawn yawn. They will know their parents aren’t happy . I left my marriage when the s ex dried up . Clearly it’s linked to other things going on in the relationship, but surely it’s the final death knell? If you realise you have no desire to get na ked with someone.. how can you continue? I’m sick of the martyrs in my life who are doing it for the kids . I’m a classic case of a child of parents who really SHOULD have gotten divorced, they so clearly were miserable.

How did I go off on that tangent?

Ah, the older man versus younger man.

Younger men ROCK.

19:00 On all fours, and Stan just enjoying the view, teasing, playing with himself, playing with me, murmuring all sorts of nice things about my ass and body. I think once you get naked with a guy, women forget that generally guys are so happy to be there, they don’t mind if you’re carrying a few extra pounds . Enthusiasm + extra pounds = much better than faking it/boredom + washboard abs. That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it.

19:20 More sha gging, finally stopping shortly afterwards
19:30 Stan is lying next to me, quietly panting... then admits : ‘I’m hungry, can we go out now to get food?’

19:45 We’re off, quite ravenous at this point. Dinner at Belgo in Covent Garden, dessert/wine/coffee on Frith Street afterwards, soaking up the evening warmth. His treat, all of it, and I'm reminded how I loathe men who don't treat their women. I'm all in favour of going Dutch or picking up the tab from time to time. But if a guy really wants to score points : buy your date dinner . Show you're not counting the pennies. Even if you are. One thing I adore about my ex husband is that .. he's always broke. Always .More often than not. Yet when we go out - he always pays. When he sees something he thinks I will like - he buys it for me. The most broke man I know, yet the most generous. Go figure. I say again : I loathe men who never treat their women. Being with someone who always insists on splitting the cheque or who never subtly grabs the bill when it comes with one swift move and puts his card down... ugh. Soul-destroying. Sooooo not a good look on a man.

I digress. Again.

22:00 Stan and I return to the suite. He’s very jet-lagged, he admits, and asks me if we can ‘just kind of hang around’. I say sure, but does he mind if I get na ked first? Oddly enough, he doesn’t mind. I’m thinking we’ll watch a movie, and just chill and maybe have a last mellow sort of shag before the end of the night.
22:02 Um, nope . As soon as I’m n aked, he jumps on me. In the midst of kissing, he says ‘well, I THOUGHT I wanted to just hang around’
22:05 As we’re kissing, he asks me if I’ve ever been blindfolded during sex. I say no but that I’m game for most things. We don’t have anything to use but he pushes a pillow over my eyes and I lay there on my back.
22:07 Oh my. Combination of him going down on me very lightly, then sticking various fingers into every hole possible, interspersed with lots of sp anking of various things.. and pinching of nipples. Again he makes me come without penetrating me. The guy has skill....
22:45 I’m panting, after having had 2 more orgasms. He finishes up by coming all over my breasts. Fabulous.
23:15 I’m raring to go again, so we do. Short but... intense. Him on top of me, my legs together, him pushing my legs back over my head.
23:45 The light goes out. I tell him : ‘remember, if you wake up in the night with a raging hard - on, please do wake me up’
01:30 I can’t sleep. He’s snoring (I remember one of the joys of sleeping on my own... men do snore...). And my mind is racing... so I wake him up by going down on him. He’s hard within seconds (or so it feels like), and this session is more me going down on him and him playing with me – not full s ex. This one ends up with him coming over and inside my mouth, lots of mess, lots of fun.
02:00 (I am guessing here at the time now) . I crash out to sleep. Sleep fitfully, mind still racing, but happy of the org asms nonetheless.
07:00 Alarm goes off, he hops in the shower, off to work . Me thinking : da mn, I could have done with a morning sh ag. I am guessing he realised it wouldn’t be a short one (though I would have happily had a quickie – he doesn’t know me well enough .Yet)... and he had to be in St Paul’s early.)
08:00 I’m showered and ready to go (how on earth I can shower and put lipstick on and be ready in literally a third the time that it took him to shower and shave... I’ll never know. I don’t believe men who say women take longer getting ready. Utter bo llocks._
08:05 We part on Aldwych.. he is around and about this week. I’ve no idea if I’ll see him again. I think I will but if not... I certainly had a good time!! I saw this in the paper today and it struck me . Reminded me of my fave lover of all time – aka Mr Alameda – whom I loved and lost and... still love with all my heart. It’s from Isabel Allende, who wrote the play ‘Zorro’, with music by those crazy Gipsy Kings.. I am going to the premier tomorrow. I so believe in that chemical reaction... even if we are never together again I will believe in this reaction, and that it created a bond with us... forever :

Love at first sight has happened to me - with my husband Willie and with a few lovers. I think it is a chemical reaction, something to do with lust and sex. I have a pathological imagination. I see a guy who is available, and it is like I see a Christmas tree with no ornaments on it. I then add all these ornaments and he becomes this wonderful Christmas tree. It takes me five minutes to dress him up. Every man is a project to me. Willie was a huge project. He wore snake boots! His life was a total mess, and I had to remodel the entire thing.

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