Diary of Lisa Taylor, reluctantly 42 (and a half)

Or.. 'f.ck me I'm forty.. two.. and a half', though can look 38 on a - not so deluded - good day. Or 'How to reconcile a well experienced mind trapped in a still - but for how long? – youthful body.' Don't have the 30somethings angst/problems, neither have the resigned (?) ageing baby-boomers in safe family territory outlook yet. Here's how I cope, one day all sexy women will get old... but never invisible. © Lisa Taylor 2005/6/7/8/9. Jeez.. so much for the 42 and-a-half delusion

Friday, September 19, 2008

18 September - 1987 Porn

Silence due mainly to prepping my flat for impending tenants. In order to have a place decorated as you know, one has to empty it and give it a clean before it then gets cleaned again post works done. This is exhausting if you do it on your own as has befallen me this particular week. It's all very well filling cardboard boxes with books and old vinyl ready to be put in storage but if you then can't lift them or place heavier one on top of not so full ones and the whole tower collapses, well, it is depressing.

Part of the problem is that I can't take boxes to storage until after the decorators have been in. This is clearly frustrating as 'things' will be in the way, but it's not merely as frustrating as realising that well stored in various nooks and crannies were approx a thousand cassettes. yes... that many. Half proper shop product and half the ones you've made or friends have made for you. If you're me, you don't just empty them in a bin and say 'voila', good riddance, have not listened to you for 10/20/25 years (in some cases) but you sort of re-examine the stash fondly. This can take hours off your life and you end up binning a grand total of 15 out of the hundreds.
Anyone young moving house in say... 5 years from now, would not have any of this shit as their music would be stored on a harddrive or other drive or a couple of ipods or phone or whatever. Hey presto. The same for their books. But no.. am from decades ago. Bear in mind that all I have to presently empty is the living room/kitchen. All clothes etc are already safely elsewhere. So how can this take so many evenings out of my going out time and be so depressing? Being medium vain, I dont think I have more photos than the next person but perhaps several full filing boxes is... a lot? I can't bin this stuff! It's just too precious to me.

My brain only works with prompts. So, for example, if I chuck the 1992 map of Seville, I will never ever remember again I went there with David, or the 1995 map of Tokyo, I will never remember I went there with Ronny. Sure, somewhere in the photo boxes are photos from those trips but do I ever write dates on photos? No, I dont'. Therefore whether I went to Seville in 91' or '92' or '93 would be difficult to say. Who do I need to say it to, you may ask. Well, nobody but I still can't chuck the stuff. Though 3 full bin liners later, I have had some success.

What made me laugh was the 1987 and thereabouts years, stack of porn. I never bought it, but boys surely gave me some. I rang my friend I. to ask would he want to come get some vintage porn. He correctly assumed this would be pre brazilian porn and by and large it was. Though of course shaving has always been performed. However, the quality of the perms and bodies left a lot to be desired. I kept him one or two mags, one called, and I hesitate but this is not a family blog, 'New Cunts'. I mean... talk about it does what it says on the tin. Though of course they may have been new to that publication and old dogs in another. But shame I have no time to advertise them to the discerning collector. Surely as someone will buy my copies of the Face magazine isse 1 to at least 60, there would be a market for vintage porn? Issue #5 of the Face may have had Paul Weller on the cover, but issue May of New C...s for all I know features the Diana Ross of pussy. I could have happily spent an hour or two reading the ludicrous stories as well or the small ads for swapping wives and so on. This stuff was mostly continental. If you'll remember back in '87 you couldn't purchase full on porn here that easily.

Anyway, too late, all ditched and made the mistake of putting the mags in same bag as a ton of old receipts. Not possessing a shredder, I did my best with manual tearing into strips but am sure my name is still there on many and what a nice haul to find if the bag splits... Horror. It's like, that stuff's not mine. Yeah, go tell that to someone else.

I think that were it not for the availability of porn on the net, my /those magazines would have enticed I. to trek from East London to my flat but alas, he couldn't be bothered. Also something to do with turning 55, he really is not that keen. Told me at dinner recently he turned down a 28 year old. It's just not what he can deal with anymore... They all bond and want more and he's not able to shake them off without consequences to himself. But I digress.

Yes, back to sorting things out tonight. Can't bear it. God give me strength and all that, and if anyone wants dozens of 80's vinyl, say so. Though, ultra depressing this, I spoke to a guy with a stall who showed me a flier from some music fair and the information on it stating you can buy bags of assorted 100 vinyl from the 80's for £2. Well, so much for hanging on to Tears for Fears for this long then! The 80's are only in for fashion. Gave a chunky metal gold chain to a girl the other day and heard myself say 'Was wearing this in '84, early Madonna days, it's totally vintage'. mmmhh, that overused word again.



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