3 November - Old Age
So, poor Toph knows I'll be out at a show with some friends which most likely will end at 10.30 unless I go backstage in which case I'll let him know that I'll be back at whatever time. Himself will be home at 8ish as he has already informed me. So why call me and tell me again?
You can say why get annoyed over such small things but ... I do , you do, we all do.
Perhaps I should be more in a hurry to see him since he's been away for 5/6 days? Perhaps.... But am really looking forward to the show and the friends. Mainly because they're a more rare occasion and with him we're now on year 5. That's the way it goes. Had always read about it and it's true. You just can't keep the same level of excitedness about the routine in your life. Don't want anything else but neither can I treat this like it's more special than it is... So it must mean that going forward ten years I'll be unapprocheable in terms of irritable levels and I'll care not a lot for my relationship. It's possible...
I think Stephen Fry is wrong to say that women want sex less than men, I think they want the same amount but not as they get older... unless women are on HRT or other, then they want it less or they want it renewed that's why people go off with younger lovers all around no? and in some cultures there's an old wife and a few younger models to service the man. One always feels the older wife is to be pitied but I don't think necessarily. She lives in the same nice house, she is who she is, she just doesn't need to have sex just to service him, since she probably doesn't get as much pleasure out of it as she did in her twenties or thirties. Anyone out there with an opinion? Mr Fry also forgets that women can't very well run off to hampsted heath to have it off with strangers, much as they may like to, as the social restrictions on us are much more monumentally crushing than they are on men. Gay or otherwise. Wasn't that long ago we were mere chattels and still are in various parts of the world.
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