Diary of Lisa Taylor, reluctantly 42 (and a half)

Or.. 'f.ck me I'm forty.. two.. and a half', though can look 38 on a - not so deluded - good day. Or 'How to reconcile a well experienced mind trapped in a still - but for how long? – youthful body.' Don't have the 30somethings angst/problems, neither have the resigned (?) ageing baby-boomers in safe family territory outlook yet. Here's how I cope, one day all sexy women will get old... but never invisible. © Lisa Taylor 2005/6/7/8/9. Jeez.. so much for the 42 and-a-half delusion

Thursday, May 25, 2006

8 May - Denver & Dog collars

Missing Toph who’s in Colorado. Didn’t want to go but now he’s cool with it, must be the fresh mountain air having its effect. Only he’s not in Aspen so it’s a bit drab apart from the nature and I won’t get a top present on his return. Have looked at websites and no Dior shop in Denver. Am worried. We speak on the phone and he tells me that due to jetlag he was awake at 3am and watched some hotel TV. I so wish he didn’t mention strip TV or TV porn or pole dancing with such obvious distaste. Surely it’s not as bad as disaster documentaries? I mean, I love all that – porn that is, not disaster docus. Of course all things are sent to test us and my little cross to bear is a boyfriend who doesn’t do phone sex via voice or text. Not at all, not ever. I’ m not great at it either it has to be admitted, but you know, here I am, in my enchanting, clean smelling bed and he’s not here. I guess I better not tell him that I resort to the vids that JL occasionally brings me as tokens of affection when we infrequently meet for lunch. He likes to see my eyes lit up when he says ‘I have a top anal video for you’. Mmhhhmm..
All is not that great with phone sex necessarily. Molly’s lover is a resident of Belgium so there’s a fair bit of phone communication. She recently purchased, on his request, a very expensive whip which she was sort of miffed not to have to use on him at all. She was wondering actually as he’s married and so what about the marks? I did tell her that if administered correctly, marks fade within hours, it’s not like the Romans flaying Christ! She also bought a leash and a collar which he duly wore. Turns out that she merely had to make the instrument swish for loverman to get intensely aroused. A few nights later he called her. She could tell he was a bit drunk but only realised how much when he would say a few sentences ending with ‘And then you walk into the room with the whip….’ (very long pause here). Initially she said some reply and waited. Then he’d start again and arrive at ‘And then you walk into the room with the whip…… (very long pause here). He did that a few times. By which point she was completely not excited by the call and just put the phone next to her and carried on watching TV. Presumably in the long pauses K. was drifting off or nodding off too? He also had said that he got a kick from giving her his c/card number to pay for the goodies in the first place. They are v. simple creatures. That’s why I’ve always believed that being an educated, not heroin addled (not controlled by some nasty pimp who took your passport and threatens to kill your family back home) prozzie could be an easy job. Once you know your chicken as they say in some European country, you know how to pluck it. I ask Molly for K.s c/card details but she refuses to pass them on. Bitch. But she'll lend me the accessories if I ever need them. Not with Toph I don't think.


  • At 7:00 AM, Blogger Lisa Taylor said…

    how funny, you were searching for key words like dog collars and you get my weirdo story. have no dogs myself but have a friend who sells dog accessories, you know diamante' leashes that cost more that the GPN of Rwanda and so on. Enjoy.


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