Diary of Lisa Taylor, reluctantly 42 (and a half)

Or.. 'f.ck me I'm forty.. two.. and a half', though can look 38 on a - not so deluded - good day. Or 'How to reconcile a well experienced mind trapped in a still - but for how long? – youthful body.' Don't have the 30somethings angst/problems, neither have the resigned (?) ageing baby-boomers in safe family territory outlook yet. Here's how I cope, one day all sexy women will get old... but never invisible. © Lisa Taylor 2005/6/7/8/9. Jeez.. so much for the 42 and-a-half delusion

Friday, April 20, 2007

16 April - Pants Down & Keys in locks

After all that.. ha ha, a very funny email from DJ which I think he said I have his permission to use in full, and so as not to just laugh at him/with him, I'll also reproduce my reply at the bottom.

Well after our recent conversation re frustration/overstimulation brought on by spring I thought it might amuse you to learn that S came home early from the theatre (her tickets had been given away) along with a friend, and found me watching porn on my laptop with my pants open. Luckily I think the friend didn’t notice anything (I was wearing a long loose shirt and there was nothing actually protruding). You are lucky not to be cohabiting - I mean, you do your best to put down those fiendish urges by looking at downloaded video of a girl who looks a bit like Avril Lavigne being sp anked with a paddle and all of a sudden you find yourself in trouble anyway.... It's difficult, you and I are very similar in that we wouldn't find it at all bothersome to find our partners up to their knees in such material, but not everyone is as open minded as us I suppose. It didn't turn into a big thing but she was a bit nonplussed. I just think it's kind of funny, and hope she doesn't get the idea that I do it every time she's out of the house (it's just the spring and the abundance of unbelievably pretty girls everywhere - a man's got to do SOMETHING...)

Am laughing out loud! truly funny, thanks for sharing. I had a similar one last night with no help from laptop or vids. I came back to Toph but he was picking up his friend J from the train station and going for a drink locally. I was meant to join them but thought they would do best having a man to man catch up session and left them to it.
As had been in the house half hour or so I had the TV on but was actually reading a copy of Scarlet (had got it free in goody bag from opening of Amora sex museum) as it happens I had read 1 or 2 stories that didn't do it for me, but after the boys called to say they’d be at the bar till closing time, I read one that did (it did involve, wait for it, the same thing that got you going, spanking) so er..I decided there was time, nice breeze coming through the window and……Let’s just say . I had not had time to wash my hand when I heard the0 key in lock and they bounded in. And sorry for that image!0

However in my case, as they'd had 2 cocktails each, when we closed the door on J going to sleep in living room, my darling gave me a very good time and didn't object to a t oy being proffered and good time was had. hope J didn't hear a thing. he's not my type so he was not part of the f antasy and it was not my intention to excite him, though I wouldn’t put it past T being a bloke wanting to let his friend know he’s ‘active’.

hope you laugh too! Can’t believe we were at it at similar times. heh?



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