Diary of Lisa Taylor, reluctantly 42 (and a half)

Or.. 'f.ck me I'm forty.. two.. and a half', though can look 38 on a - not so deluded - good day. Or 'How to reconcile a well experienced mind trapped in a still - but for how long? – youthful body.' Don't have the 30somethings angst/problems, neither have the resigned (?) ageing baby-boomers in safe family territory outlook yet. Here's how I cope, one day all sexy women will get old... but never invisible. © Lisa Taylor 2005/6/7/8/9. Jeez.. so much for the 42 and-a-half delusion

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

3 April - Posh Houses & Rich parent envy

Are fairytales always too good to be true? They don’t come along too often and so you know, you get your hopes up. My recent one was moving into a stupendous (compared to Taylor’s current lodgings which are not bad but not in one of her preferred areas such as Mayfair for example) house near Portobello Rd, so close to the garage a friend rents for his car next to the Paul Smith shop on the corner with ken park rd. Yep, I’d be next to J’s garage and the Paul Smith shop. Have I already said what joy that would provide me with? I could go into said shop everyday and slip on a nice jacket for a few minutes, whilst sitting in a stripey chair liveried in his trademark fabrics and I could gaze out at the Agent Provocateur shop opposite and make friends with the girls there, heck, I could even get a Saturday job modelling bras there. This was all going to come about not because I’ve received a massive bonus equal to 20 times my current salary but because superwoman SR was moving out of her house nearby and renting for a while and had a spare room and putting a brand new Powerplate in the next one. What more did I need to say yes, I’ll abandon my current home and cart the shoes and jewellery across, ‘ s all I need to start a new life? Oh, and joy, Toph is nearby, we could meet on corners and kiss before deciding your bed or mine?

All fallen through because the house needed some repairs to ceilings and bathrooms (not to the standard required by my American friend) and the owners couldn’t to these in time for her moving in date (she'd sold her house nearby for cash in one afternoon) or in fact wished to carry them out really. So, given the dearth of available properties (or as someone else just said ‘There isn’t much out there in the £4m mark’, SR had to quickly take a smaller flat, instead of a house and therefore there was only room for the Powerplate and not for me. So I asked ‘Who is this woman in LA (the owner) who can afford to keep an empty house on Ken Park Rd?’
I was expecting to be told the name of some actress but it’s actually Justine, better known for being the g/friend many years ago of D from Blur. I seem to remember she lived there because her well known architect father sort of gave it to her. So there you go…rich parents are always the solution.

So you know, I don’t begrudge rich parents, but perhaps it’s not entirely down to own efforts that Richard Branson’s daughter (a 30 year old doctor) is now the proud owner of a mansion in Holland Park costing £5m and which comes with no mortgage attached. Splendid news from daddy or did she really invest so judiciously her quota of stocks and shares received at birth? Is it less envy inducing when it comes from the parentals or when you marry into it? Perhaps I can ask Holly if she’s got a spare room to rent out to me.

Anyway I tell the BF who says JF is a friend of his friend A. I also remember that E. spent a lovely holiday in Thailand many, many years ago with her and Damon as he’d met them on the beach, as you do. So there you go, if I’d gone and lived in her former house, that would have been a third link between people who don’t know they know each other’s friends and thus me. Am all the more upset now because I could have removed some floorboards and surely found some lost wrappers to auction on ebay (yes, I don’t do ebay but some of my friends do). I can see the headline 'Vintage ex-popstar’s blow'. Gotta be worth something.

Some silly form of decorum prevents me from going to squat the apartment, which is silly really, Joe Strummer did it... probably to his own family...Empty houses need people in them.

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