Diary of Lisa Taylor, reluctantly 42 (and a half)

Or.. 'f.ck me I'm forty.. two.. and a half', though can look 38 on a - not so deluded - good day. Or 'How to reconcile a well experienced mind trapped in a still - but for how long? – youthful body.' Don't have the 30somethings angst/problems, neither have the resigned (?) ageing baby-boomers in safe family territory outlook yet. Here's how I cope, one day all sexy women will get old... but never invisible. © Lisa Taylor 2005/6/7/8/9. Jeez.. so much for the 42 and-a-half delusion

Friday, May 23, 2008

22 May - Good, Bad & Ugly

Well, I can’t say am nothing but reasonably eclectic in taste. So it is that recently have gone to see Bjork – excellent, she always sounds like it’s from the heart and I do like some of the current stomping songs ‘Earth Intruders’ and ‘Declare Independence’. Toph says the latter sounds like the mad howlings of a menstrual woman and I maintain that’s exactly why I like to shout along to it. He missed the old, more delicate arrangements and so do I but I can never tell if the sound is bad period or if it’s the Apollo and where you’re standing in it. And I must have words with Leila as that was a poor support slot. Nothing more than reasonably lazy djing. Come on woman! You used to be a breath of fresh air.

Then I went to see Nick Cave and I’m not sure about the current rock kick out the jams sort of songs. I think he should sit down behind the piano a bit more but perhaps he doesn’t want to sing those songs anymore because if your heart is not currently being crunched anymore by some desperate passion then maybe you can’t quite imbue them with the pathos. Plus it was the Apollo again, plus it was hot. Plus I never fancied him, plus he had the most goddamawful support band I’ve ever witnessed. Have blanked their name, though I should remember it to warn you. We went on the night after black bass player what’s his name had performed. Oh god, used to love him and I forgot his name!

Then I went to see Girls Aloud and why not. Can’t rubbish them too much as went with/as guest of a friend who’s bezzie mate with their manager and in fact that’s all we could say, ie. how well our friend had done to elevate a manmade TV novelty group into something that fills the O2 two nights running whilst selling lots of related paraphernalia. Does a glow stick really make you a GA fan?? Hurrah for H. if she gets percentage of all merchandise too. Just saw those initials, like Giorgio Armani. Not. Watching the crowd going in was more fun than the show. 80% women of all ages and all totally aspirational in clothing. As if being a WAG clotheshorse was something to aspire to. But who am I to talk. That Ashley Cole is not too bad looking. I didn’t see him there but I saw Gerrie Halliwell or her granny. The woman was her but … older? Can’t explain.

So… we also thought the staging was good and er.. the costumes, and we like a couple of tunes but as for dancing and singing. It’s very poor. And yet I read that the red headed one used to win singing contests by singing Whitney Houston’s songs. I marvel at this. I truly do. We left before the end of course, which is a shame as we had those much sought after VIP passes. In fact we nearly went into the dressing rooms by mistake. Considering that on the way in we witnessed a sobbing gay man who had won a competition and only found tickets and no passes in his envelope, it felt very wasteful but what you gonna say? ‘Hi, I thought you were great?’, or ‘Seven for effort girls (after all they do have to turn up to rehearsals) but don’t book Vegas or they’ll stone you’?

Toph is of the opinion that the only really satisfying thing we’ve seen this year is the Sibelius concerts at the Barbican and I’d have to agree. If that didn’t suddenly make me feel like some dowager with a pet poodle and a walking stick. I do want to find my modern music better, but it’s hard.

What shall I go and see to restore my faith in r’n’r? Folks? Suggestions?

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  • At 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    barry adamson! oh god, I LOVE him. worked with him on 2 albums, had some nice diners together. he can talk you into bed...

    I. (the one with one lonely flat boot with tassels)


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