Diary of Lisa Taylor, reluctantly 42 (and a half)

Or.. 'f.ck me I'm forty.. two.. and a half', though can look 38 on a - not so deluded - good day. Or 'How to reconcile a well experienced mind trapped in a still - but for how long? – youthful body.' Don't have the 30somethings angst/problems, neither have the resigned (?) ageing baby-boomers in safe family territory outlook yet. Here's how I cope, one day all sexy women will get old... but never invisible. © Lisa Taylor 2005/6/7/8/9. Jeez.. so much for the 42 and-a-half delusion

Thursday, October 16, 2008

16 October - Cupid

So excited, I am playing cupid tonight to two people who don't know each other. A rare occasion as I don't have any spare men I'd recommend. This spare man I don't know at all, but he's very handsome, so when I met him outside a cafe' last week (he was with a mutual acquaintance) and they let it slip they had been on the hunt the night before in shoredtich, I quickly got his number and told him I'd call. The little I know is that he's spent too much time filming docus for the UN in Africa and has left himself w/o much chance of love (no sex for a year I think he said! crikey, was he in the desert?). It would also appear that he has no money and he's 40odd, so you see, I'll have to trade on his looks and 'interestingness' factor.

The right girl came to mind a few nights later when she said she's been invited to a charity trip to Uganda! Now, I know her and I know she knows a lot about Africa and has been to many countries and needs no advice, but it allowed me to ring this chap, M, and say 'have you been to Uganda?' 'no - he answered - but I know the director of Last King of Scotland'. 'Never mind - I said - can you come and have a drink with a friend who's goig to Uganda and just talk about it? And btw she's very attractive and only 32 and (I didn't say this) has her own house and income thank you very much?' 'Oh yes' he said.

So I told her about it (she screeched 'I love that film' but I advised her to tone down the enthusiams, and told her to feign helplessness re. Africa which will allow him to help, they all like to help. And voila'. 7.30pm tonight and conveniently she has to go to ado at 9pm latest and it will be a short and sweet introduction and they'll either like each other or... not.

She very sweetly said 'you realise he'll think you're angling for an affair?' Ahhh, she gives me too much credit to figure in this 40 something's hunk's life or fantasies. I did meet him in the company of Toph and I'll make sure to mention him repeatedly to leave no impression of latent interest on my part. Well, I lie, M is gorgeous! But no, no interest. I mean... at this point in life, if he had a house in Marylebone I may consider him above Toph but w/o that, no chance. Mmmhhh. Guy Ritchie is free and has a house in Marylebone....and he directs... and will have spare cash and he was not into adopting another ghastly kid ...mmmhhh. I am younger than the soon to be ex wife and not scarily veiny.

But I digress. Here's to Love. I forgot to mention that in my girlfriend's life there are now 2 other people trying to set her up for Xmas. One of the contenders is Colin Firth's brother (though am not sure he knows about this yet), so I'm imagining some sort of X Factor competition here where I think my protege' will win but there are others... I've never seen the X Factor so I don't know which one of the judges I'd be more like... past or present... It's fun though. Here's to Love again or at least a happy coupling by Xmas. She'll owe me many dinners to come if M. pulls it off.



  • At 6:51 PM, Blogger KT said…

    So how did it go with your two friends? Did they make a match?


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