28 October - Chess
Toph came to rescue the game and I still won pursuing my anarchic ways, much as I do when I bluff beyond belief at poker ((I get reasonably far but then of course I fall in love with my cards and never consider what's the best hand someone else can have). I didn't take to the game, my brain doesn't like anything where it has to consider too many multiple options before making a choice. But I had the following 'old before my time' thought 'Better take chess up as a) you need to keep learning new things to keep it sharp and b) when we're truly past it, I can give Toph (who's rather champion like) a game in some lonely nursing home assuming they keep us together'.
A friend has recently told me that I do go on rather too much about getting old and dying but she's five years younger. I don't think it's hit her yet. But it will. I think it may be easier if you're prepared. Plus, if it wasn't my main preoccupation this blog would not exist.
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