Diary of Lisa Taylor, reluctantly 42 (and a half)

Or.. 'f.ck me I'm forty.. two.. and a half', though can look 38 on a - not so deluded - good day. Or 'How to reconcile a well experienced mind trapped in a still - but for how long? – youthful body.' Don't have the 30somethings angst/problems, neither have the resigned (?) ageing baby-boomers in safe family territory outlook yet. Here's how I cope, one day all sexy women will get old... but never invisible. © Lisa Taylor 2005/6/7/8/9. Jeez.. so much for the 42 and-a-half delusion

Monday, December 15, 2008

5 December - Tigs

Is it possible to be happier? At 3.30am I shared a car to his hotel (but not to his room) with my favourite DJ, Canadian beats merchant Tiga who had played a pretty darn good set at The End for preceding two hours. It was not an easy set till an hour from the end when he gave us some tunes with the odd vocal. He doesn't like the room and neither do I as he has a large pillar in front of the dj booth so he can't really see the crowd. I should have gone to some darker corner at the other end of the room but I stuck to behind the booth so you sort of don't really get the right vibe.

For anyone who thinks the dj life is an easy lark, money for nothing and so on, it isn't. The boy had arrived that day from Toronto and after dropping off for a couple of hours at beautiful Browns Hotel of which he saw just the bed briefly, he was being picked up at 6am for the first flight out to Moscow where he had a Nokia gig that night. I'd have loved to get on the same flight but only because it was a novelty for me, if i had to work a gig, well, I'd have just to be thinking about the cash I was getting paid and the fact I'm promoting my new album "Mind Dimension" for you folks who want to check it out, because otherwise the stress on my body from lack of sleep would send me demented. And his poor manager Oliver had to do the same trip of course. Reminds me of the good old days of FBS and his mate Ginger Tim who was essential company on those gigs. You just can't keep going otherwise. Well, you can, but it fucks with your body eventually.

So, as I excitedly told my friends, Tiga now knows my name. How cool is that? Should we meet again, he'll say hello Lisa and I'll be just elated. Thank you I. for making it possible. And thanks D. my disco granny friend who was having the working day fromn hell that day (sacking people at Wapping and making the figures balance and vomiting from the fear) and let me down for the gig. If she'd been there, I'd have gotten a taxi with her instead of taking advantage of the lift. But major shame that I just didnn't have it in me to carry on, not even for a proper drink/chat with I. who was shattered from the night before. The little minx had gone to the Girls Aloud party at the Berkeley post Nobu and so it is that she confirms that Ashley Cole is very very short and so I don't fancy him any more. I don't really but mmmhhh. The same evening another friend snogged a 22 year old up and coming singer songwriter. She's 43? I love those sadie frost moments I can't have any now but bring them on fro my friends.

Other reason to be happy is that the gorgeous R. who came with us to Tiga is making me a compilation. One of those old fashioned things! aaaahhh, can't wait. Has to be said that I had earlier in the night left him talking to this other lovely canadian woman S. friend of friends who's here to study fashion branding/marketing blah blah and he was clearly taken. Well, she's 26 and she's hot. They could be very happy together. He's going to ask her out. Awww..... I better not say anyting about this on and off thing she has with some son of some major fashion label person in Paris. He sounds like a dick so let's hope R. will get her away from that.

We'd gone to an art thing in the East End where one of the works was by an erstwhile lover and you know what? The piece didn't speak to me at all. Once upon a time I'd have read god knows what into it. But I bought something else instead.

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  • At 7:58 AM, Blogger Nicey said…

    Hey I am loving the blog and yeah I lurve Tiga (Also checkout Deadmaus!!)
    What a shame that The End is closing its doors in Jan Meh....spent some great nights in there Steve Lawler is the man


  • At 3:51 AM, Blogger Lisa Taylor said…

    just seen your comments and i'll read your blog too, have had little time lately. thanks for the flattering comment.


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