12 August - Old & Websites
So there you go, me being organised and having more than one property and family in other country, means I try to at least make the task of unlocking passwords here and there an easy one. But...if my unofficial executors use my passwords, will they be treated as fraudsters I wonder? There's nothing banks surely like better than holding on to unclaimed money. Or do they give it to charity after ten years of it languishing in an account for example. I doubt it.
However, all this exercise has achieved is proving how many passwords one has. Since every bloody thing seems to require one. So I set myself the challenge of at least re-accessing everything I once signed up for. All those websites that I just wanted to see how they work but I don't need. What's facebox for example (not facebook), or desingersarewankers? And so on.
But even during a slow week this is equal to wanting to kill yourself. And I don't even have half of the technical baggage many younger people have, you know passworded phones, music devices, other applications. It's simply too much.. stuff. I want the desert island, the cave, the remote himalayan mountain top.
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