Booked Majorca. With only carry case, what will I do? But then noticed how many summer outfits are literally silky-no weight numbers, so a good 7 or 8 can be taken along for a 5 day trip. If only there was a way to wear severa pairs of shoes at once, that's what does me in. Maybe I can post some ahead? Same for books? M. says I'll find stuff to read there but this is my chance to mash the novels of some people I know who have written in styles that are not my thing (spy and 18th century historical) and only peace on a beach and lack of other choie will make me progresswith them. I can always stick one of them in my waist band front and one on back.... Wonder if Easyjet check in people are wise to that one? I always want to argue but why do you save weight on little me when there's people who weigh twice or three times my weight? Mind you they need bigger luggage in the hold perhaps or maybe they are fat but only use one pair of shoes on holiday? H. said there's an H&M in Palma, but the point is I have tons of accumulated summer stuff already that I want to air.. May wear bikini on top of 3 sets of underwear to leave more space in the little carry on.. but if go through customs like that they'd think am up to no good when viewed through a scanner? Could ask the colleague with partner at immigration at LHR. He must know of a few good ruses but that would open floodgates to her boring me to tears with stories and that won't do.
On another note, how serendipitious is this? Met I. (not seen in a year I don't think) for a frozen yogurt after her massage, who mentioned that my favourite dj (even Toph was able to correctly identify him when asked a' la Mr & Mrs 'Who's my favourite dj?' ) has or takes a house in Goa for the months of Dec/Jan. And what else have I done today if not bring the dream of six months in India one step closer? Bring it on! Canadian dj beware I shall drop in for cup of chai. Need to pinpoint with more accuracy where he may be in big old Goa. Promise won't stalk, but I think he should invite over second favourite djs, the Belgian collective and throw a party for me. For no reason other than I love them and I love India.
But how fickle am I? Was a time the answers would have been Armand Van Helden & FBS... sigh...
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